Our Nurse’s Notes

Our on-staff Nurse can perform immunizations and assist with blood work and testing. She can also provide helpful information on some of special compounded offerings.

Rhus Tox

Now is the time to start Rhus Tox to prevent poison ivy rashes. Rhus Tox Oral Solution is prepared from the resin of the plant Rhus Toxicodendron that is the base substance of poison ivy and poison sumac. Preparation of Rhus Tox in pills, oral solution and injections has been used for many years in reducing the occurrence of symptoms of poison ivy-oak and sumac. This solution has been developed from a German formulation, which has been successful in reducing the occurrence of poison ivy cases. The success of this preparation is improved by taking three doses over a three-week period during the dormant (winter) phase of the plant’s life cycle. Taking the oral solution during the plant’s active phase (summer) may slightly increase the risk of infection for the highly sensitive person. Rhus Tox Oral Solution is best taken between meals and mint flavored foods should be avoided. When taking the vial, the solution should be held in the mouth for 30 seconds then swallowed. Repeat the dose on the same day of the week for three weeks. This medication has been shown to be effective with a minimum amount of side effects. Always keep medication away from children.


To view current flu conditions or learn more, visit the CDC website.

Myth: “It’s too late to get vaccinated. Besides, I got one last year.”

Fact: While September, October and November are the recommended months for vaccination, getting a flu vaccination later on in the season (December – March) can still protect you, as flu season often peaks after January. 3 Because influenza strains typically change each year, you cannot count on last year’s vaccine to protect you this year. 4 Considering up to 20% of the U.S. population still contracts influenza every year, getting the flu vaccination makes good health sense. 5

Myth: “I exercise regularly and eat healthy, so I don’t need to get vaccinated.”

Fact:  The flu virus can spread when a sick person coughs, sneezes or talks, and can also be transmitted on surfaces that are touched by both sick and healthy people. Even healthy people can be infected with the flu virus without showing any symptoms and unknowingly infect others. 6

Myth: “It won’t happen to me.”

Fact:  Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that can cause mild to severe illness. The best way to help stop the spread of flu is to prevent yourself from getting the flu. Getting a flu vaccine each year protects you and those you love. 5

Myth: “If I get the vaccine, it might give me the flu.”

Fact:  A flu shot will not give you the flu. The viral strains in injectable influenza vaccine have been inactivated, making it biologically unable to cause illness. The viral strains in the nasal spray vaccine are weakened and do not cause severe symptoms often associated with influenza illness.7

Myth: “I got the vaccine and still got the flu so it must not be effective.”

Fact:  The vaccine prevents the flu in approximately 70%-90% of healthy people under the age of 65. The effectiveness of the vaccine is subject to variables such as:

  • the amount of time between vaccination and exposure to the virus
  • age and health status
  • the match between the virus strains in the vaccine and those in circulation.5

Myth: “The flu vaccine is only necessary for the old and very young.”

Fact:  The flu vaccine is for anyone who doesn’t want to be sick with the flu or inadvertently spread the virus to others. The ACIP for the CDC recommends annual immunization for all people aged 6 months and older.7

Myth: “I’m better off taking my chances.”

Fact:  Unfortunately, getting the flu also means becoming a carrier. Since the flu is highly contagious, with symptoms starting one to four days after the virus enters the body, even the most conscientious individuals may unknowingly spread the virus. 6

Myth: “If I’m pregnant, the vaccine won’t protect me or my baby.”

Fact:  Since pregnant women experience changes to their body that may affect their immune system, lungs and heart, they are especially susceptible to illness from the flu. Vaccination helps protect women during pregnancy and their babies up to six months after birth. 9

Myth:“I’m afraid of needles, and the flu vaccine is only available through a shot.”

Fact: The intradermal flu vaccine is a shot that is injected into the skin instead of the muscle. The intradermal shot uses a much smaller needle than the regular flu shot and works in the body in the same way as a regular flu shot. 10

 Information from: http://www.myfluvaccine.com/


  1. FastStats: Deaths and Mortality
    Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm.
    Accessed August 2016.
  2. Flu Symptoms and Complications
    Accessed August 2016.
  3. Key Facts about Influenza (Flu)
    Accessed August 2016.
  4. How the Flu Virus Can Change: “Drift” and “Shift”
    Accessed August 2016.
  5. Seasonal Influenza: Questions and Answers
    Accessed August 2016.
  6. How Flu Spreads
    Accessed August 2016.
  7. Misconceptions about Seasonal Flu and Flu Vaccines
    Accessed August 2016.
  8. Vaccine Effectiveness—How Well Does the Flu Vaccine Work?
    Accessed August 2016.
  9. Pregnant Women & Influenza (Flu)
    Accessed August 2016.
  10. Intradermal Influenza (Flu) Vaccination
    Accessed August 2016.

Flu Shot Season!

This is the time of year to get a flu shot! Come see us!

Typically free with insurance and medicare, or just $25.00 cash
Monday-Friday 9-5 during flu season or until we run out.